
LivOrganic is situated in the Scandinavian and the Baltic Sea bio-climatic region. It investigates the impact from climate change, biodiversity, agronomy and markets on stakeholders’ decision whether to enhance or reduce organic food production, thus food security. It is the ambition of LivOrganic to become known as the living lab that offers a setting for addressing organic food security in connection with climate change and biodiversity. LivOrganic will generate knowledge through co-creation processes with value chain stakeholders to identify pathways for maintaining food security for organic products in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region.
About us
Denmark was among the pioneering countries back in the early 1980’s to develop the organic farming sector from a grass-root initiative to today’s recognized farming system, recognized by consumers in Denmark and many other markets. Organic products now account for 12.7% of Danish food consumption, positioning Denmark as world-leader in consumption of organic food.
Assuming Denmark as a small and open economy holding strong ties to international trade, the living lab offers expertise in climate change modelling, a field living lab for precision agriculture, expertise in organic food markets and business development, and a comprehensive network to diverse stakeholder groups in the organic agri-food sector. LivOrganic focuses on organic food products, namely 1) milk & dairy, 2) apples and potatoes, 3) barley and oats, 4) legumes, and 5) rapeseed. LivOrganic consortium includes a diverse community of growers, farmers and food processors from the organic agri-food sector.
The Danish living lab connects with policy makers through roundtables and demonstrations. Furthermore, the living lab has access to a 5-hectares field lab equipped with precision farming tools for measuring climate impact on arable organic crops.


Partners & Expertise
IFAU Institute for Food Studies & Agri Industrial Development: ME specialised in agri-food markets, value chains and business development.
Aarhus University, dept. of Agroecology: Climate change modelling and scenarios; precision farming and arable crops.
Organic Denmark: NGO, frames the Danish organic community from farm to fork and, acts as bridge-builder to policy makers in Denmark and the EU.
MAA.C: SME specialised in promotion and outreach for organic products and gathers a network of the biggest organic food processing companies in Denmark.
Objectives and contribution to the project
LivOrganic operates in the interface between environmental science, socio-economics and practice with the scope of balancing climate change and biodiversity challenges and opportunities with demand and supply of organic food. This calls for a multi-dimensional data gathering strategy to collect quantitative and qualitative data through participatory methods, modelling scenarios and desk research.
LivOrganic investigates how drivers and their inter-connectedness shape organic farmers’ and food producers’ choice of reducing or enhancing organic food production, hence food security.
Carry out research to investigate the impact on market actors’ demand for organic productsstemming from changes in land use and use of crops for food and non-food purposes.
Arrive at a strategy for a significant and resilient production of organic food in Denmark.
Promote the living lab broadly in Denmark and Europe, and disseminate its findings to targetedstakeholders in the Danish and European agri-food system including through policyrecommendations. It is also an objective to support the dissemination actions of Eco-Ready.
Develop a strategy for the continuity of the living lab. It is also an objective to build connections with the Eco-Ready European network of living labs for knowledge sharing and continued data collection and exchange.

Dissemination channels
LivOrganic activities and results will be disseminated via Institutional Social Media

MAA.C. Communication & dissemination, Victor Aaris:
Organic Denmark, Mette Villekær:
Aarhus University, Dr. Davide Cammarano:
Organic Denmark
AU Foulum