Work packages

The ECO-Ready project with its 18 partners is clustered into 7 work packages that interact with a number of Living labs across Europe. The work packages focus on providing information services to policy, business, consumers and the society through an observatory and a policy Hub which will continue serving the stakeholders beyond project duration.

Work packages

The work plan consists of eight (8) work packages (WPs) each designed to address specifically the key objectives. Project coordination and management is envisaged in WP7 and Ethics requirements in WP8. In WP1 we assess the EU food system vulnerabilities related to climate change and other system shocks (ie. pandemics), and the multi-dimensional consequences of these emerging dynamics. We analyse the drivers which impact the resilience of food systems within the 10 regional Living Labs, that are selected and awarded through the third party funding mechanism that is described in WP3. In WP2 we understand the main challenges, needs, intentions and preferences of citizens, policy makers, and food system stakeholders around food security, biodiversity and climate change, address existing stakeholders’ knowledge and skills gaps and lead to a higher engagement around the ECO-READY Observatory. In WP4 we develop the technologies and software infrastructures for the Observatory. In WP5 we produce evidence-based policy recommendations based on the knowledge produced in the previous WPs and communicate them to policy-makers and agri-food stakeholders. In WP6 we develop and implement numerous effective dissemination and communication approaches targeting key stakeholders. These approaches will result in value co-creation and open innovation for, inter alia, businesses and industry professionals whilst policy tools and policy recommendations will be invaluable to policy-makers. In WP6 we will develop and implement a business and sustainability plan to ensure its vitality beyond its lifetime.

man in the field with plant in the hand

WP1: Scoping and outlining the extended European Food Social-Ecological system

The objective of WP1 is to understand the overall European food system and its vulnerabilities, particularly as it relates to changing climate, biodiversity, water and soil, and other system shocks (i.e. pandemics), and the multi- dimensional consequence of these emerging dynamics. We will identify gaps between the current and the desired future state of food security, by investigating drivers which impact the resilience of food systems. Scenarios will be developed collaboratively with team experts and regional Living Labs participants, which will be further elaborated considering drivers impacting both short- and long-term outcomes through quantitative modelling.
WP1-Leader: CZU, Contact through:

WP2: Stakeholders’ engagement and empowerment

In WP2 we engage our target stakeholders (i.e., consumers of food products; farmers, food processors, and retailers as "owners" of the food security problems; policy makers at local, regional, and central European level) to unravel their needs, perceptions, intentions and behavioural aspects around sustainable agricultural production, food security, climate adaptation and mitigation.We will also address existing stakeholders’ knowledge and skills gaps and lead to a higher engagement around the ECO-READY Observatory. Eventually, we will develop and test a set of interventions aiming to trigger consumers’ behavioural change towards more sustainable patterns, supporting the development of more resilient agrifood systems.
WP2-Leader: White, Contact through:

men in the field
image of living labs

WP3: Cascade funding and Living Labs network

The ECO-READY Living Labs network that will be set up in WP3 provides the necessary regional transdisciplinary settings to bring together farmers, policymakers, scientists, social stakeholders, the agri-food industry and other interested partners in the co-design, monitoring and evaluation of new and existing agricultural practices and technologies on working landscapes to improve their effectiveness and early adoption; more specifically, it will allow the interaction between the project experts and the Living Labs stakeholders to produce, test, and finalise scenarios, policy recommendations, contingency plans, and resilience policies.
WP3-Leader: FSH, Contact through:

WP4: Observatory development

The objective of thei work package is to set up an Observatory of the short, medium and long term impacts of drivers of change on food security that integrate ECO-READY’s key products and approaches to allow European regulators, food producers and citizen to test and explore, in a holistic manner, mitigation measures to anticipate on climate change to achieve a truly sustainable food supply and ensure food security.
WP4-Leader: WR, Contact through:,

farmer discuss
lady sitting on grass

WP5: Policy recommendations, contingency planning, and resilience strategies

The objective of this work package is to produce evidence-based policy recommendations based on the knowledge produced during the project (food security scenarios under shocks such as climate change) and to effectively communicate them to policy-makers and agri-food stakeholders. The contingency planning framework and the Ethical Infrastructure developed in this Working Package will contribute to the development of the policy recommendations and the overall project.
WP5-Leader: IUCN, Contact through:

WP6: Communication and post-project sustainability

The objective of this work package is to develop and implement numerous effective dissemination and communication approaches targeting key stakeholders. These approaches will result in value co-creation and open innovation for, interalia, businesses and industry professionals whilst policy tools and policy recommendations will be invaluable to policy makers. The final objective of the project will be to develop and implement a business and sustainability plan ensure its vitality beyond its lifetime.
WP6-Leader: Cranfield, Contact through:,

Communication meeting
Project management meeting

WP7: Project management

Project Management will put in place the appropriate mechanisms to achieve methodological and structural integration between the WPs. The organisation of the project management covers strategic, technical and logistics issues.
WP7-Leader: CZU, Contact through:

WP8: Ethics requirements

The objective of this Work Package is to ensure compliance of the project activities with the 'ethics requirements' set out with respect to the Do No Significant Harm (DNHS) principle as defined in the "EU Taxonomy" in Regualtion (EU) 2020/852.
WP7-Leader: CZU, Contact through:

green leaf on plattine