Science support

During its lifecycle, our project will develop the necessary advanced understanding and produce sciencific outputs to support adaptation and resilience of natural and managed ecosystems. ECO-READY will follow thoroughly all the required actions in order to be aligned with the Open Science practices as they are also defined in Horizon Europe guidelines.

ECO-Ready science support tools (under preparation)

source code view notebook

Database on methodologies for dealing with sector problems

This database will includes methodologies and related tools that are most relevant for dealing with dedicated problems of the future including e.g. Horizon Scanning, Environmental Scanning, Foresight Methods, global market equilibrium models and market analysis. The database will be managed by the Observatory and will be accessible through the project website.
(under development)

Climate change, biodiversity, and food security nexus: A structured data review

The Structured Data Review (SDR) is the main deliverable of Task 1.1 in Work Package 1 of the ECO-READY project. It has two objectives: first, it identifies climate and biodiversity-induced drivers of food security, specifically how these factors affect various dimensions of food security. Second, it provides an overview of data (datasets, sources, platforms) used for monitoring and reporting these drivers. Methods include a systematic literature review and data search. The report lists 20 climate and 18 biodiversity drivers of food security, analyzes their impacts on the four pillars of food security, and provides data from literature, projects, EUROSTAT, and public platforms. It serves as a reference for industry and policymakers to identify threats and opportunities and to develop appropriate strategies and regulations.

ECO-Ready A structured data review | Learn More in Our Project Reports

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